While a lot of healing occurs on the physical level, there are also habits that are the result of unconscious programming, like the drive to eat or smoke, and of course, sleep issues.
There are some habits that we can change as a result of practice or will power. But some habits, even if you can make change in the short run, seem to always return. Why? Because there are unconscious forces at work here.
We are all programmed in ways that we are not aware of.
So Max Rivers studied NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and then Ericksonian Hypnosis, with the goal of helping clients de-program those limiting beliefs and learn how to re-program themselves to their own healthy benefit.
Along the way, he spend a couple of years practicing hypnosis, and came up with powerful trances which helped heal clients with other issues like: Smoking, Sleep, Pain and Weight Loss.
Those trances are available as MP3 downloads here for anyone who would like the reprogram themselves just by listening to one or more trance recordings.
Self-Hypnosis Recordings
Stop Smoking Recordings
Stop Smoking Recording 1
When you are ready to stop smoking, this recording will help you become a non-smoker.
Listen daily for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks.
Stop Smoking Recording 2
Follow-up. When you’ve used the first recording for a couple of weeks, switch to this recording to reinforce your progress.
Listen daily for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks.
Sleep Trances
Sleep Apnea
Instead of buying a $1500 nose hose that nobody uses after the 3rd day, just stop snoring and re-program your sleep apnea yourself.
Listen daily for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks.
“I downloaded your sleep apnea self-hypnotic recording.
It worked!
My mild snoring has essentially disappeared.
I have not woken once since the very first day that I listened to the recording. I also seem to have more interesting and extended dreams.”
Be well! G.M. Ann Arbor, MI
Sleep and Pain
Ever notice that when your (conscious) mind is busy, it keeps you awake? Or that when you stop thinking about it, you can forget you’re in pain? Learn self-control with this recording.
Listen daily for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks.
Weight Loss Recordings
Wt Loss: Exercise & Craving:
Ever been to the gym every day for six weeks, and notice it feels wrong when you miss a day? This recording will create that same desire to exercise.
Listen daily for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks.
Wt Loss: Stress
Stress is believing something which isn’t true. Since we’re not dealing with what’s really bothering us, we end up looking for quick ways to relieve the stress. Eating is a classic stress solution: seems to fix the problem in the short term, but creates a bigger problem long-term.
Listen daily for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks.
Wt Loss: Healthy Decisions
You know what’s right for you, so why don’t you follow thru? This recording will help.
Listen daily for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks.
Wt Loss: Changing Your Relationship to Food
Diets don’t work, because they require will-power which is a tool of the conscious mind, but food choices and cravings live in the unconscious. Sustained weight loss comes from life-style changes, not willing yourself not do something.
Listen daily for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks.
Wt Loss: Future Goals
There’s no stronger force than a goal that your unconscious is enforcing. This recording will help you follow thru with long-term goals effortlessly.
Listen daily for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks.
Wt Loss: Follow up Trance
Follow-up. When you’ve used all the recordings you need, switch to this recording to reinforce your progress.
Listen daily for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks.